Motion timelapse Sunset in Calasetta sea behind Mangiabarche`s lighthouse, Sardinia, Italy
Ponte del Mare, Pescara
Walking on the Ponte del Mare, Pescara, Italy, discovering the port and the Adriatic Sea in the background
Approaching the magic tree
Flying with Drone forward to the Magic Tree in Veio`s Park and Via Francigena, Formello, Rome
Young Girl and the Magic Tree
Young girl dressed in white walks in front of the magic tree in slow motion as if in a dream
Big Bubble in Bologna
A large soap bubble by a street artist as it hangs in the air in Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, Italy
Sunset Timelapse in Carloforte
Sunset Timelapse in Carloforte from Calasetta, Sardinia, Italy
Ponte del Mare, Pescara
Slow motion on Ponte del Mare, Pescara, Italy, with some people chatting and the Adriatic Sea in the background
Sardinian Sea on rocks
Transparent, clear and tranquil sea on rocks in Calasetta, Sardinia, Italy
Lighthouse Sunset
The Sun is setting down behind the Mangiabarche’s Lighthouse in front of Carloforte, Island of San Pietro, and Calasetta, Sant’Antioco
Abruzzo Mountains timelapse
Timelapse from Città S. Angelo, Pescara, Abruzzo of clouds over Gran Sasso and Maiella mountains said Bella Addormentata Panorama
Moving away from the magic tree
Flying backwards with Drone from the Magic Tree in Veio’s Park and Via Francigena, Formello, Rome
Young Girl and the Magic Tree
Young girl dressed in white walks in front of the magic tree in slow motion as if in a dream
Plane Wing over the Sunset
Edge of the wing of an airplane flying above the clouds at sunset