Cloudy Sunset over ancient Rome together with the Forums and the Colosseum
Timelapse of Sunrise over ancient Rome from Hilton hill
Snow in Rome
Young Girl posing near the magic tree
A young girl with blond long hair, dressed in white, poses at sunset touching the leaves of the magic tree
Young Girl in white and the Magic Tree
Profile of a young girl dressed in white with her head turned towards the setting sun while touching the magic tree
Senior Botanist talks to the magic tree
Senior botanist talks to some leaves of the magic tree as the sun sets
Senior Botanist giving orders to the magic tree
A senior botanist with laptop converses and tries to give orders to the magic tree at sunset
Young Girl in funny oriental pose
Fizzy young girl in playful oriental pose with funny and sly expression
Young Sly Amazed Girl
Young cunning smiling girl looks to the side with sly, amazed and shocked expression
Slight zoom in on the town of Cefalu
Pan of evening sky over ancient Rome together with the Forums and the Colosseum
Sunrise on ancient Rome from Gianicolo Terrace, Italy
Snow in Rome
Young Girl in white at sunset
A young girl in profile with long blond hair, dressed in white, at sunset, touches the leaves of the magic tree
Young Girl in white and the Magic Tree
A young girl in profile with long blond tied hair, dressed in white, at sunset, touches the leaves of the magic tree
Senior Botanist and the magic tree at sunset
Senior botanist points to some leaves of the magic tree as the sun sets
Senior botanist talking with the magic tree
A senior doubtful botanist converses with the magic tree at sunset
Young Girl in funny oriental pose
Young girl in playful oriental pose with funny expression and closed eyes
Young Girl shaking her head
Young smiling girl shaking her head with hair dishevelled by the wind in a glamorous pose
Motion Timelapse of sunset over Calabria’s sea
Timelapse of Sunrise over ancient Rome from Gianicolo
Wedding at St. John in Venus
Young Girl posing near the magic tree
A young girl with blond long hair, dressed in white, poses at sunset near the magic tree
Young Girl in white and the Magic Tree
A young girl in profile with long blond hair, dressed in white, with her head turned to the setting sun, touches the leaves of the magic tree
Young Girl in white and the Magic Tree
Blurred sunset profile of a young girl with long blonde hair dressed in white as she touches the leaves of the magic tree
Senior Botanist touching leaves of the magic tree
A senior botanist converses and touches leaves of the magic tree at sunset
Senior botanist talking with the magic tree
A senior botanist with laptop converses with the magic tree at sunset
No Photos, please!
Young girl hiding her face and shielding herself with her left hand blurred in the foreground not wanting to be photographed
Lighthouse Sunset Timelapse
Timelapse Sunset in Calasetta sea behind Mangiabarche`s lighthouse, Sardinia, Italy