Money City

Money City

Tracking Forward on an imaginary city made of coins and banknotes

Money City

Money City

Tracking Forward on an imaginary city made of coins and banknotes

Golden Helmsman in Lisbon

Golden Helmsman in Lisbon

Street artist plays a golden helmsman living statue in the middle of the busy Rua Augusta in the center of Lisbon, Portugal

Money City

Money City

An imaginary and fantasy city made of money that conceptually represents today`s myth

Money City

Money City

An imaginary and fantasy city made of money that conceptually represents today`s myth

Money City

Money City

An imaginary and fantasy city made of money that conceptually represents today`s myth

Money City

Money City

An imaginary and fantasy city made of money that conceptually represents today`s myth

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Testacoda Snc di Fabrizio Trionfera e C.
Via Francesco De Sanctis 4, Roma
tel: +39 0637515055